A busy Monday at the Book Fair

Book Fair is open for business! Be sure to stop in Monday evening from 4 - 7 PM during conferences to sign up for prizes, to play games and to shop for great books.

Congratulations to our volleyball players that were selected for All Conference!

Good luck to Nolan and Anelise tomorrow at the state cross country meet! We had a great pep rally to send them off in style.

Good luck to Daryn and Connor tomorrow at the state bowling contest for Special Olympics! Hope the pep rally helps!

Spanish Club members celebrated Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) at a cultural festival at UW-Madison on Friday. Shadow boxes the students made in class were on display as part of an altar remembrance exhibit, along with skull face painting, cookie decorating, traditional Mexican foods, music, and dance performances. What a fun way to celebrate this holiday!

Spanish Club members celebrated Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) at a cultural festival at UW-Madison on Friday. Shadow boxes the students made in class were on display as part of an altar remembrance exhibit, along with skull face painting, cookie decorating, traditional Mexican foods, music, and dance performances. What a fun way to celebrate this holiday!

Reminder for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders; please complete and return your lunch choice (even if you will bring a lunch from home!) for the Nov. 12 field trip to Madison to hear the symphony. These need to be in by Monday Nov. 4. We want to make sure the kitchen has time to get what they need!

BF Friday

Some of the La Farge FFA members along with Kickapoo, Viroqua, DeSoto, Seneca and Westby traveled to Indianapolis for the 92nd National FFA Convention.

The elementary music room will be open and I will be available during Parent-Teacher conferences on Monday, November 4.
Mrs. Michaels

Miss Dittner’s 4th grade class would like to thank everyone who donated money for our $1 monthly books! The students have gotten 2 great books already this year thanks to our donors!

The 1st grade students did a STEM activity where each student took turns adding Legos to create a structure.

4k had a ton of fun today creating their own disguised faces!

4k and 3k were treated with bubbles from Ms. Haugo, courtesy of Ms. DePrato's class!

Some of our elementary students artwork on display at Representative Loren Oldenburg's office in Madison.

A group of juniors attended the Vernon County Cooperative Career Day to learn more about the opportunities that our wonderful area has to offer. Thanks to Organic Valley for hosting this great event!

La Farge boys basketball apparel is for sale online now through November 13. Go to https://sportsworld.chipply.com/lafargebasketball/store.aspx to place your order.

La Farge boys basketball apparel is for sale online now through November 13. Go to sportsworld.chipply.com/lafargebasketball/store.aspx

Scholastic Book Fair is coming to the La Farge Ms/HS Library in just 6 days! If you wish to shop early online or set up a cash-free eWallet account for your student, check out the La Farge Book Fair web page at: