Please return the summer rec. registration forms to school as soon as possible. If your child needs a jersey, please order that in the online store by Wednesday. The link is below:
about 3 years ago, Josh Hansen
Adventure Club Outing @ Wildcat State Park Hemlock Trail Description: “The narrow and rugged trail travels along the sandstone cliffs above the Kickapoo River and then begins a series of switchbacks to Mount Pisgah, an elevation change of 365 feet. An observation point at 1,220 feet above sea level has been constructed to take in the spectacular view.” ✅✅ It was a steep hike but these kids all made it to the top! So proud of them. The climb was definitely worth the view! It was a great day out in the woods! 🌲🍃🌷🌳
about 3 years ago, Whitney Beckstrand
the view
The Senior Awards Night program will begin at 7:00 pm. Watch live on Vernon Communications Channel 5 or online at
about 3 years ago, Amy Lund
Join us in showing your appreciation for our school nurse, Mrs. Emily Oium! We truly don't know what we'd do without her caring support of students and their families when there are illnesses or injuries, and for her advocacy for the wellness of students and staff! Thank you for taking care of us, Nurse Emily! #EveryStudentEveryDay #NationalSchoolNurseDay
about 3 years ago, La Farge Schools
Nurse Emily
National School Nurse Day
CONGRATULATIONS to high school art students Natalie Marron, Hayden Benson and Macey Wood for their winning pieces of art in the 3rd Congressional District Art Competition. Natalie Marron took 1st place with her painting, 'Polaroid'. She has earned two tickets to Washington D.C. and her entry will be displayed for a year in the U.S. Capitol alongside the other contest winners from across the country. Hayden Benson took 2nd place with her prisma drawing, ‘Green Plants’. It will be on display at Ron Kind’s office in D.C. for a year. Macey Wood took 4th place with her photography, ‘Patina’ which will stay in one of Kind's local district offices for a year. We’re so very proud of these young artists, congratulations again!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Benson's Art Room
'Green Plants' by Hayden Benson
'Patina' by Macey Wood
'Polaroid' by Natalie Marron
La Farge High School/ Community Blood Drive Friday, May 14th from 11:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Appointments are preferred!! You can sign up at or by call Ms. Rastall at (608) 625-0145. There are still times available.
about 3 years ago, NHS
Blood Drive
Date Correction Attention 8th Grades Parents!!! We will be having an end of year recognition and 8th grade promotion Wednesday, June 2nd at noon! Each 8th grader is welcome to invite two guests. Hope to see you there! **Masks are required at this school event.
about 3 years ago, Kjersten Walleser
8th Grade Promotion
Romeo and Juliet but make it modern 😎📱🔥 English 9 students took the famous balcony scene and rewrote the script as a Snapchat conversation using a fake Snapchat creator website. So fun to see their creativity! This is the unit I always learn the latest “teen” lingo! 😃 Yes it really does go like this... We just met!! Let’s get married?! Okay!! 🤣💕 #everystudenteveryday #romeoandjuliet #modernshakespeare #snapchatshakespeare
about 3 years ago, Whitney Beckstrand
snap 4
snap 2
snap 1
snap 3
Today was “Dress Like a Teacher” Day. Shown here are some of the students & staff who were matching today! We know we didn’t get pictures of everyone, but thank you to all students who participated!!
about 3 years ago, Whitney Beckstrand
Camlek, Paulson, & Beckstrand
Sagami & Benson
Mr. Fowell's Natural Resources class built their own fishing poles, and took them for a spin today! Some students caught their very first fish today in our beautiful Kickapoo Valley. #EveryStudentEveryDay
about 3 years ago, La Farge Schools
As part of School Staff Appreciation Week, the Waddle In food truck came to visit today for lunch! Everything was delicious- especially the fresh squeezed lemonade and the root beer floats!
about 3 years ago, La Farge Schools
Waddle In
Food truck
Dear Families~ On Friday, May 7, Grades 2-5 will be participating in the 5K walk at the KVR. Here are a few reminders: Please make sure your child has a non-disposable water bottle as there will be no water stations. (Please no throw-away water bottles) Please make sure your child has appropriate shoes on for the walk. Please make sure your child dresses appropriately for the weather. No parents are allowed this year. We are looking forward to this fun outing!
about 3 years ago, Josh Hansen
5K Run Walk
“What’s the ‘word’ in Advanced Comp. & Lit.?” After an intense research paper, students spent some time tapping into their creativity. The students said the best part was getting to be creative and applying their lives to a board game! Games & tag-lines include 🎼”So You Want to be a Musician?”: Music trivia to test your music knowledge! 🎓”Senior Year 2021”: Get a real taste of the senior year life in a global pandemic! Senioritis included! ⚠️”School of Mystery”: Journey through the hallway to solve the mystery. Mrs. Beckstrand in the science lab with a beaker....... 🐐”Get off Goatman’s Bridge”: Escape the terrifying tale of goat man and his infamous Old Alton Bridge! 🐴”Rodeo Time”: See if you have what it takes for the guts and glory of the sport called rodeo. (Not pictured)
about 3 years ago, Whitney Beckstrand
board game covers
This week is Staff Appreciation Week! We are celebrating our amazing staff with some fun activities all week. Today our principals delivered room service to every classroom and office! Join us in kicking off this special week by sharing a comment about a current or former La Farge Schools staff member who made an impact!
about 3 years ago, Meaghan Gustafson
It takes a team to help children dream
The Fine Arts Awards program will be Monday, May 17 at 7:00pm. Students will be recognized for their involvement in Art, Music, Drama, Forensics, Math Club, and National Honor Society. Each student will receive four tickets to attend in person, and the event will also be livestreamed (link posted later). Please send your guest names to school with your students, or email Amy Lund with names (
about 3 years ago, Amy Lund
Fine Arts Info
La Farge Summer Rec. Registration is Now Available! Packets were sent home with students today. Please fill out the last page and send it back to school with the registration fee. Jerseys and clothing orders will be online using the following link: If you have any questions, please contact Josh Hansen, Summer Rec. Director. 608-606-1052
about 3 years ago, Josh Hansen
La Farge Wildcat
High school students who made the 3rd Quarter Honor Roll were recognized today at an Honors Assembly. Great job students! Keep up the great work, as we end our school year strong!
about 3 years ago, Whitney Beckstrand
Honor Roll missing Garrett Hatfield, Bryce Franks, and Vanessa Harris
High Honors missing Ashlee Miller, Annmarie Morrison, Abigail Schreck, Kayla Brown, and Jay Miller
Highest Honors missing Natalie Nordmann
The La Farge Drama performance of "The Internet is Distract - OH LOOK A KITTEN" by Ian McWethy will be broadcast on our local Vernon Communications TV channel (#5) on Sunday, May 9 at 6:00 pm. Special thanks to Playscripts Inc. and the playwright for broadcast permission.
about 3 years ago, Amy Lund
“What’s the ‘word’ in English 10?” Anahi Ramirez created this movie poster after reading Harper Lee’s classic To Kill a Mockingbird. She chose to highlight the quote: “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.” She said this quote means that people can be too quick to judge. People should take the time to get to know someone. Her favorite thing about the book was when Boo Radley saved the children from Bob Ewell. He showed he cared for the children even though they didn’t really know each other. #tokillamockingbird #english10 #everystudenteveryday #creativeproject
about 3 years ago, Whitney Beckstrand
movie poster
Attention 4K-1 Families: Please check your child's backpack for a full length note with information regarding the field trip tomorrow (4/28). Here are some highlights: The zoo staff is asking that masks are worn while we are at the zoo. We just realized that the address we originally gave you will take you to the back entrance of the zoo. If you are using a GPS, it might be helpful if you just type in Zoo Lane, Baraboo, WI. Otherwise, you are more than welcome to follow the buses. The buses will be parked in the back of the school right in front of the doors. If you are following, please allow space for the buses to park. We are leaving at approximately 8:45. Thank you, 4K-1 Teachers
about 3 years ago, Josh Hansen
field trip